Sunday, 23 September 2012


I'm drowning a little in paperwork at the moment.   We received our Adoption Placement Plan, nearly 30 pages, and Adoption Support Plan last week.  We now have two box files full of paperwork plus a full Foolscap folder, plus various books from our reading list.  Both plans were very detailed and we were quite happy with the content, just a few minor points that we weren't sure about. Plus another medical issue has come up, well it's more that a name has been given to some characteristics (I won't go into details now) and I've now bookmarked a load of websites about this. I've been reading one of the suggested books all week, although I'm still left with a 'yes, and ....?" after reading it.  It also looks like we will be adding to the pile of paperwork judging by the list of things that legally have to be handed over, signed, made aware to us on the day of placement.  I had one of my "oh heck what are we doing moments"...luckily it was only a moment.  When I get those moments, I think to myself how would I feel if social services phoned tomorrow and said it was cancelled.  I know I'd be extremely upset.

Also drowning under paperwork is my desk.  Bizarrely when I worked in an office in another life, I had the tidiest desk and drawers.  Not so good at home.  Daddy-to-be is not impressed. And this needs to be sorted out this week, along with some bookkeeping - there's a pile of receipts on the dining table that are shouting my name every time I walk past them.

Oh and I'm up to my elbows in course work, something that I wanted to get done before the adoption happened.  I've just learnt EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique - the tapping therapy - and have to say it's been wonderfully helpful recently.  Since the course, I haven't had a major anxiety attack and it's been helping my jaw pain after the dentist last week!  Maybe I can tap on my feeling of drowning under paperwork.

We haven't got any adoption-related meetings this week but I'm quite sure the emails will be flowing back and forth.  We've got school to sort out.  We've chosen our favourite local school so I assume there will be some paperwork related to that, just waiting to hear back from DDs social worker.

In other news, Great British Bake Off, which I love, inspired me to make Rough Puff Pastry yesterday, the first time in 30 years and the ensuing Russian Fish Pie was rather good even though I say so myself.  I am really looking forward to baking with my daughter.

A week tomorrow to Matching Panel.

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