Friday, 16 May 2014

Music - 80s v Classical

The week's theme on #WASO is music.  I love having music on in the house.  It's mostly 70s/80s which I love.  Heaven 17, Come Live with Me, is currently playing - loooove that song.

My brother is 8 years older than me so there was always the latest music playing when I was little.  He even let me play his singles when he went out!  I used to stand on his bedroom chair and dance to everything from Kung Fu Fighting to Turning Japanese (and no, I had no clue what the lyrics were about back then!).  My favourite tune to dance to was Born To Be Live by Patrick Hernandez and I still often put it on You Tube now and dance and sing along because it is soooo feel good.

Back in the 1980s I was a huge Duran Duran fan. Ah, those were the days.  I used to spend hours making up scrap books and relishing any mention of DD on the radio, TV or in a magazine. Not like now, when I can choose to listen to them any time, any day what with the internet.  I went to a DD concert once and was right down the front. In fact I think John Taylor kicked the teddy I threw on stage.  Screeeeam!  Oh I could write forever about the 80s music scene. I have endless memories (as opposed to Careless Memories - see what I did there?) about late 70s/early 80s songs that form the soundtrack of my life.  When I was at school in the sixth form, myself and two friends represented the school on Mike Read's Pop of the Form on Radio 1 - unfortunately we were pipped at the post by a school from Devon.  Boo.

Missy's love for music is growing. We've given her a small portable CD player for her bedroom and, like many girls, she loves One Direction.  She is obsessed with Katy Perry and Roar and when we play hairdressers (daily) then Katy Perry aka Missy is the hairdresser!  So, as I was so proud of her at the hospital this week, I bought her the latest Katy Perry album.  I've also given her a few of my more calmer CDs that I used when I was working.

However, thanks to Missy, a new style of music often fills the house.  Classical.  Now, I do like some classical, although I'm no expert and probably couldn't tell you the performer and it's definitely not my first choice, or even second choice.  But one day Missy decided to turn the TV off and turn over to the radio (which plays through the TV).  Somehow she found BBC Radio 3 and that will be her first choice of channel when she wants to listen to music whilst we are playing or doing some craft.  And, you know what, it's growing on me.  Some of it is very uplifting and some of it is beautifully calming, the latter being very good for Missy.  

Whilst she now also knows the channel number for Absolute 80s, Radio 3, and also now Classic FM, is her first choice.  And in fact if it's within an hour of her bedtime I will tend to turn onto classical music if it's not on already to subconsciously help calm her down.

There does come a point when I've overdosed on classical music and back to the 80s we go, but I have to say I'm very grateful to Missy for introducing me to the classical stations.

Any suggestions for some calming classical music to listen to? What music do you and your children like?


  1. What a great post. We love music too. Just tonight we were discoing (it was to Rush and Lynyrd Skynyrd, but that's close enough) around the dining room before I took our little fella up for his bath.

    Despite being an ageing rocker at heart I do love a whole variety of classical music too. Our little one has a bedtime playlist for going to sleep which features a number of lovely soothing classical pieces. Here are a few of the faves... all lovely pieces of music in their own right.

    Barber's Adagio for Strings

    Holst's St Paul's Suite (the final movement is a bit more go-ey but totally sublime - wait til Greensleeves kicks in. Possibly my fave moment in music ever)

    Warlock's Capriol Suite

    Elgar's Serenade for Strings

    Have a listen and hope you enjoy them as much as I do! Let me know what you think.

    1. Thanks for the suggestions! I've just listened to Barber's Adagio for Strings - it's gorgeous.

  2. Can I add Vaughan Williams Fantasia on a a theme by Thomas Tallis and Nimrod from Elgar's Enigma Variations as a starter. Will think and come back with more. Given I am classically trained I know lots of pieces but have to go think about them

    1. Classically trained? Wow! I envy anyone who can play a musical instrument or sing.

  3. Yes, both on our little one's playlist... Which reminds me to add Vaughan Williams' Fantasia on a theme of Dives And Lazarus too...

  4. I was also a massive DD fan and covered my walls and scrap books with pictures of them,especially John Taylor. Lovely to hear that Missy is taking an interest too. We also use classical music for calming in the car and bedtime. Oldest has a radio alarm and he puts classic FM on at lights out to help him sleep. Works a treat. We joke that he will taking in all sorts of high brow info that one day we can use on Mastermind.

    Thanks for joining in with #WASO

    1. I'm trying to get Missy into DD but so far no luck. Maybe I should show her all my scrapbooks :-)

  5. Another wonderful Vaughan Williams piece....Lark Ascending.
    Faure's Requiem
    The Mozart Horn Concerto's are warm and comforting. Not calming necessarily, but they just feel happy.

    1. Fab, thank you for the suggestions :-)


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