Wednesday, 1 May 2013

The Positivity Pot

You may be forgiven, from reading my blog,  for thinking there are no good days or positive moments in the Missy household.

We do have good days, positive moments and fun times honest.

Raucous laughter after a water fight with Daddy, days out in London, baking cakes, Missy's superb artwork, going to the park, planting seeds and watching with delight as they grow, round of applause game, massive improvements in reading and counting, learning to do plaits, dancing, playing musical chairs, tickles, running, cuddles, shower time, learning to ride a bike.  And loads more.

To remind myself of those good memories, I'm taking a leaf out of The Boys' Behaviour blog and creating a Positivity Pot which I shall fill with daily positive notes; things that have happened, things that Missy says, places we've been etc.  It will be interesting to look at them at the end of the year (or maybe just dip in and out when we're having some down days).

Today's positivity note was a reminder of our fab day out at a 5* hotel for a spa day and champagne lunch - a Christmas present to us from my Mum :-))


  1. It's great to see someone else doing this too! Our pot is gradually filling up and I'm looking forward to the day we can open it and check out all the great times.
    Good luck with might need a bigger jar ;-)

  2. we have a happy jar too for my friends who I eat cake with every week we are doing this year - brilliant for us adults too - think I might do one next year with PJ - we do a pasta jar for now at times which works really well. I will have to blog about it for you all.


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