Thursday 9 May 2013

How I've changed - a SpecialK30 Linky Challenge

I've been lucky enough to be chosen, along with other BritMums bloggers, to try the brand new Special K cereal and be a part of their #SpecialK30 Linky on BritMums.  Special K haven't changed their recipe for 30 years until now.

It got me thinking about the last 30 years and how I've changed.  Looks-wise I actually haven't changed that much.  In fact at a friend's recent 40th the theme was the 70/80s so I dressed as though I was back at school - I still have my old school blazer and it still fits!  I've also still got my old school tie; I backcombed my hair, applied black eyeliner and light pink lip gloss and there I was, back in 1983, not looking a day older!

Duran Duran, Culture Club, Fame, Phil Collns, Spandau were the big things back then.  I was a massive Duran fan back then and would scrapbook anything in Smash Hits or the newspapers that I could find.  These days there's info anywhere and everywhere thanks to the internet.  I can remember years by the music that in the charts - I'm rarely one year out on Radio 2s Pop Master!

Back then I wasn't the quietest but I also wasn't the loudest.  I wasn't a member of the cool crowd at school, in fact I was bullied by one of them.  I was very shy actually.  Still am to some extent but am far more assertive in many situations these days.

I was a good schoolgirl runner back then, winning my year's 100m race at the Sports Day.  They don't do sports days any more at school apparently as it's too competitive, which in my opinion is quite ridiculous.  At least I can run a bit further than 100m these days.

Anyway, back to Special K.  I've always loved Special K, often substituting it for lunch or dinner, and have to admit I was a teeny bit disappointed when I had my first taste of the new recipe.  It was too sweet, reminded me of Frosties.   But then I had another bowl, and another, and another (not at the same time you understand!).  The packet didn't last long and neither Daddy nor Missy got a look in.   Sometimes when you're used to something it takes a while to get used to change.  I'll definitely be looking out for the new recipe when it's on the shelves.

Disclaimer:  I wasn't paid by Special K or anyone else to write this blog, though I did get a free packet.


  1. Well done for still fitting in your blazer! I'd barely get an arm in mine! :D

  2. Glad you grew to like the cereal. Good post. You need to add the link to Special K website and the badge for this to be a valid entry. Commenting for BritMums and thanking you for taking part


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