Friday, 3 January 2014

My aims for 2014

I have a good feeling about 2014.  The synesthetic part of me sees it as yellow, a bright happy cheerful colour.

I'm not one for making resolutions as they are too hard and fast; breaking one equals failure and I'm not going to fail. Instead I have some goals and 'like-to-dos".

1.  Look on the bright side, feel positive and not feel sorry for myself. I was far too negative last year. This year will be different.

2.  Live with the attitude of gratitude. It's said that those who are grateful live with abundance. There's a great book called The Magic (written by same person who wrote The Secret) which is a sort of workbook giving you things to do each day to help you think about what in your life you can be grateful for. I've done the exercises several times and definitely feel more positivity in my life - I'll blog more when I start The Magic again.

3.  Aim to meet up with some of the lovely tweeters and fellow adoption bloggers I've got to know over the last year to thank them in person for their support.

4.  Make time for myself. I need to get out more and quite fancy learning something new like a martial art. Daddy is going to start playing badminton again. I'm also aiming to grow more of my own vegetables - Missy can get involved too and have her own patch.

5.  Don't sweat the small stuff.

6.  Improve our therapeutic parenting skills. Last year was a massive learning curve and we have so much more to learn AND put into practice. I'm aiming to get Daddy to read at least one adoption/parenting book, pref  Dan Hughes or Bryan Post!

7. Improve my health. I've been I'll too many times last year and it's a sure sign of how high my stress levels have been this year, but as well as reducing my stress levels I also need to improve my diet - I've had far too much comfort food lately and weigh far too much than I am comfortable with.  I'll be doing the Juice Master Juice Detox later this month.

Happy New Year.



  1. Great aims for the year :-) I always think how great it would be to grow my own veg but somehow never get around to doing it!

    1. Thank you.

      I've got the books, I've got the spade so I'm full steam ahead! At the very least I want to grow some carrots. No idea what I'm doing though! LOL.

  2. Happy New Year to you too!!

    I'll join you on points 4, 5 & 6!!! :)


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