Friday, 6 September 2013

Back to school - and an Award!

Whilst the holidays were more enjoyable than I was expecting, I was truly glad when last Tuesday came around and Missy returned to school.  My Facebook timeline was full of mums posting tearful messages and photos of their darlings in their uniform on their first days back.  Of course, I can't post photos.  I also didn't feel tearful.  Thankfully, the one Mum at school who knows about Missy was also hugely relieved and not at all sad the holidays were over so we were both glad that someone else felt the same and didn't feel so guilty.

Missy has had mixed emotions about going back to school.  Throughout the summer, if asked, she's been very proud to announce that she's starting in Year 1 this term.  To her, this means she's a big girl now.  Depending on when you asked her, she was either looking forward to going back to school or not.  She wasn't sure about having less playtime and more learning numbers and letters.  Actually, going on what the teacher said last term, she won't notice the gentle transition they put in place from Reception to Year 1.  The first few weeks is still very much child-led play-based, moving gently on to teacher-led work.

In the few days before going back to school there wasn't much change in Missy's behaviour.  Bedtime was a little earlier than it had been during the holidays and we talked lots about seeing her friends and the teachers. Tuesday morning there were no tantrums or tears as expected and as soon as she got to the playground she was straight back into playing with friends, like they hadn't been apart for 6 weeks.

What we have noticed is that even for Missy who is always on the go, these last four days back at school have been exhausting for her.  Last night she was almost falling asleep before she'd had her meal and this morning she was very unsettled, wanting lots of hugs and reassurance.  She wanted to stay at home all day with Daddy and me, but again once when we got to school she was fine.  Very early night tonight methinks.

The wetting has started again though (sigh).  Throughout the holidays I think she only wet a couple of times and I thought we'd got past it.  Missy even said to me without prompting that she wasn't going to wet herself as she was in Year 1 now.  But yesterday, as she came out of school with a plastic bag in had, I knew she'd wet herself again.  At least this time she'd told a teacher who got her changed into fresh knickers.  Still haven't got this one sussed yet.

Actually, it seems Missy's first week back has gone very well indeed   - whilst writing this post, Missy has come in from school having been awarded the school's UNICEF Rights & Respect Award for her year for settling back into school so well and learning the class routines.  How cool!  Well done Missy.

And no wet knickers either.


  1. Congrats to Missy for her award!

    I too didn't feel that moved by one of my daughters going back to school and the other starting. However I do wish I could have posted a pic of them in their uniforms - as I could just munch them both!

  2. Another mum here who was very relieved to see the back of the holidays and the return of school. Sounds like Missy has had a great first week and the wetting might just be a temporary lapse, fingers crossed. Well done her for the award to,sounds like the school know that she needs this type of support to boost her self esteem and feel more comfortable with school. long may it continue.

    Thanks for joining in with #WASO.

    1. Thanks Sarah. Her teacher is the school SENCO and was at the PEP meeting last term. Sounds like she listened to Missy's needs and has certainly helped.

  3. yeay! go Missy :)

  4. That's a brilliant award! What a great idea to reward those kinds of achievements as well as sporty or academic ones :)

  5. Great isn't it. The school does lots of stuff like this.

  6. fabulous start to the term and what a great award! hope you and the school get the wet knickers deal sorted - it may take time to settle again I guess with the adjustment to another year group.

  7. Must be a tricky time, after losing the routine for so many weeks. What a great start though!

  8. Well done Missy! So pleased for her.

    I hope the wet knickers are just a transitional thing, and as she settles in more it'll naturally end. But if it doesn't, know that I'm there with you dealing with wet undies too! x

    Thanks for linking up to #WASO x


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