Thursday, 15 August 2013

Summer holiday update

I haven't written for a while because my MoJo has done a runner.  Not sure why really.  I was doing well and felt quite motivated for a while but lately, well maybe it's the warmer weather, maybe it's because Missy wears me out.  I did have a work related issue that hit me for six and knocked my confidence so maybe that's it.

But here I am again so I'll update you as to what's happening as far as Missy is concerned.

Obviously it's the summer holidays and so far so good.  Daddy has currently escaped to the supermarket for a breather no doubt.  He's off for two weeks which is heaven and really takes the pressure of me.  We've had a good time so far these holidays.  We've had play dates, been on holiday to a farm, been up north to visit Daddy's mum, been to a kids tennis camp (for one day only though), been for walks, been shopping, played at home, done drawing and making things, cooking and other stuff that I've forgotten already.   There have been a few tears and tantrums but actually on the whole it's going swimmingly.  We're off to Lollibop, the children's festival in London, this weekend and Legoland next week followed by a trip to the Isle of Wight.  The change of routine doesn't seem to have affected Missy too much, thankfully.

Missy has wet herself a few times but it's not a daily occurrence as it was before she broke up from school.  I'm hoping she'll carry on in this vein but we'll wait and see what Year 1 brings.

So, that's  quick update for now.  More to follow.

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